25th August - Month One

The books that I have picked for this month:

Death At Intervals
Women Travellers
Scarlet Letter

Lets see how it goes...

The Ultimate Challenge

I have decided I need a new challenge. While I may have read more widely, I have also managed to buy a lot more books and then gotten distracted with work and so on and not actually read them!! So I have bookshelves full of new books that I forget to read...

Introducing the challenge!

25 Books to be read before Christmas (that's December 25th 2011 for anyone who doesn't know)
The books:

Rachel Ray - Anthony Trollope
The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Moby Dick - Herman Melville

The Virago Book of Women Travellers
The Duchess - Amanda Foreman
How to be a Woman - Caitlin Moran
The Junior Officer's Reading Club - Patrick Hennessey
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote

Daughter of Smoke & Bone - Laini Taylor
 What a Carve Up - Jonathan Coe
Housekeeping - Marilynne Robinson
The Distant Hours - Kate Morton
The Whisperer - Donato Carrisi
The Small Hand - Susan Hill
Behind the Scenes at the Museum - Kate Atkinson
Mad World - Paula Byrne
The Yacoubian Building - Alla Al Aswany
White Cat - Holly Black
Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Stardust - Neil Gaiman
The Edible Woman - Margaret Atwood
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Death At Intervals - Jose Saramago
Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel
Scoop - Evelyn Waugh
Palo Alto - James Franco
Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - John Le Carre
Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
Damned - Chuck Palahniuk

Graphic novels:
Burma Chronicles - Guy Delisle
When the Wind Blows - Raymond Briggs

Bonus books:
The Girl with Glass Feet - Ali Shaw
The Peach Keeper - Sarah Addison Allen
Arabella - Georgette Heyer
The Dating Detox - Gemma Burgess
The Love Verb - Jane Green
Kathy Reichs - 206 Bones

Here come the rules:
At the start of the month four books will be chosen. They must be read that month, but once they are read I can choose any other bonus book!
Even if it is 11.59 on the 25st of the month and I just finish book four, I am still allowed to pick a bonus book!
4 swaps if I hate a book within the first 100 pages
2 vetoes if I get more than 100 pages in, but just can't keep going.

So, simple right? Please don't mention that there are loads more than 25 books on the list, its pedantic and also I need options people, not all of those books will be chosen...but many will!

So wish me luck!