The Help by Kathryn Stockett

So I finally got around to reading The Help having resisted the temptation until I had a holiday and I have to say I liked it...but I didn't love it. While it was a touching story, with a heartfelt message and written in an incredibly accessible way I can't say I loved it. But this is not a negative was a fantastic book, it was exactly what I thought it would be, but I didn't really find it very funny. All the reviews on the back cover claimed it would be funny, but I didn't laugh once. I found it sad, touching, meaningful...all of those things, but never side-splitting funny!

Anyway, if you like that sort of thing read it. Would be great as a book club book or for a holiday. A good read that keeps you turning the pages, but don't expect fireworks or explosions, it's not that kind of book! Also read it if you haven't...that way when people start talking about it you won't feel like the odd one out!


Disaster has ambition to read The Scarlet Letter was crushed as I entered a dark period of essay writing and was instead chained to a desk reading teen dystopian fiction. So here is a tiny little guide to the best dystopian works out there and a big recommendation for the genre as a whole. Get reading kids...or adults, because these books are amazing!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (trilogy)
This is one of the best books I have read in a long time...especially in terms of style, design, author voice, original storyline...well everything. I was reading it breathlessly...
For readers who love mystery, fast-paced thrillers and those who are looking to dip their toe in the teen dystopian trend this is brilliant.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (trilogy)
If you haven't heard of this book where have you been? Living under a rock or something? This is a masterpiece of dystopia...brilliantly written and captivating it is a stellar book. The characters are intricate and real, with a plot that will have your heart hammering and your light burning well into the night. Get reading before the movie comes out in is perfect for boys and girls, as well as being a thrilling read for anyone. Be warned this book can be gruesome, violent, graphic and upsetting in parts...but what book isn't!!!

Matched  by Ally Condie
Okay, so this is a book for the girly girl, probably won't appeal to many boys...but it is a good story, with an interesting message. Perfect for your little sister (by little I do mean 13+) and for adult readers. While not as amazing as those above it is a good story that keeps you hooked. The second one in the series is out now, but it will be a trilogy so waiting for the third might be a year.

So there are three brilliant books to keep you going...