The Great Gastby

So my first Fitzgerald has come and gone, quick read to be honest and a rather heavy one after so many romance novels and easy reading. I liked it a lot though, while I may inherently dislike Daisy (even from the beginning) and her husband (ugh!) I enjoyed the narrators tone and the exploration of characters during a specific setting and time. Gastby himself is a mystery and I felt at the end that his death was a sad coincidence after all he had to deal with and I really wanted to hear more about his life. But that is what great literature can do. It can prolong out interest in a character after his death, after the end of the novel. Still I wonder about him in a haunting way. (if you hadn't noticed I seem to enjoy rather haunting characters and books that stay with you - its a flaw).

It has inspired me to read Tender is the Night (a book I am informed that is loosely based on Fitzgerald's own relationship with Zelda his wife) next. I have a very battered copy of it that has a creepy woman depicted twice as if she is reflected in a mirror or something, however her eyes and face look different in both images. Spooky!!!! I hope it is as good as Great Gastby, as I really enjoyed it.

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