A Quiet Belief in Angels by RJ Ellory

Okay, so we all probably know my taste by now and you might think 'STOP! This book is NOT for you!' All I can say is, I completely agreed with you when asking in my local (and lovely) library a few weeks ago for this title. It was in the crime section, a place I'm not too scared of or anything, but a place I don't really wander into. The back cover blurb also made me cringe, as it is about little girls getting raped and murdered and the Richard & Judy sign on the front cover. I know, this is a very successful move that got loads of people reading, but I honestly cannot stand the idea of reading something picked out for the Richard & Judy fan club. (However, and I do cringe writing this, my all time favourite book was also a R&J pick! But I did not know this when I first read it.)

So as you can see all signs were pointing to, NO, you will dislike this book, put it down. Instead I got it out of the library, using their new-fangaled machines and left the building to begin reading on the bus the next day. From the first few pages I kept looking for the scary crime-writer speak, the sign posts that all is not well inside this dwelling, or that the main character is some psycho - but instead it is narrated by a young boy who is sensitive and kind. We get to learn of the horrible occurrences through his own thoughts and fears, we see the way his life changed due to these murders and unless you are an uncaring person you cannot help but feel deeply for him.

I say now that the story is about little girls being raped and killed by an older man, a man they must have trusted. It is a horrific story to tell, but RJ Ellory does it in such an eloquent way I sometimes forgot the subject matter. His prose is pure poetry, I know this because I couldn't help but show it to many people I know who hate crime novels and they loved his writing. Even claiming they would read this book despite the subject matter. A feat for someone who loves poems and movies with subtitles.

The ending is a complete and utter twist, as RJ Ellory himself stated, he didn't know until the end who was the murderer. This way the story keeps you on tender hooks until the very last page. This is a must read even for those who hate crime novels, because it is so beautifully written and such a moving story I think you, dear readers, will love it.

On a more personal note, with only a few pages left of this book I felt the need to buy another of RJ Ellory. Having learnt from my last experience I didn't read the back, I chose one that I liked the cover of and that was that. I know no matter what, that I will love this new book. I am waiting for the glorious sunshine and maybe a holiday before I start reading it. But feel I must confess something, this book did give me nightmares, which meant I have been reading Meg Cabot's 'Boy' series before sleeping, just to make sure no horrible thoughts wake me up in the middle of the night.

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