The Sign of Seven Trilogy by Nora Roberts

So, I know I'm supposed to be reading very good books that stretch my own reading habits and your thinking: Hmmmm, well this isn't very impressive. I don't even want to read Nora Roberts, neither do I care and I categorically wish she would stop reading them and give us some proper books!

But, this is my blog and not yours so I am allowed to talk about Nora and the trilogy I just read! So there.

Yes, I know  it is very childish to behave this way, but I have been a little bit stressed, what with everything going on and the upcoming London Book Fair, that I had to read something to calm me down. However, I was actually quite impressed with this series, it is scary and atmospheric and of course lots of love and happiness is involved too! Sorry.

But I won't take up too much space with this post, only to say if you like romance books and scary stories (do not read if you think this will be a horror story!!!) then give this series a go. It's pretty recent and therefore shows you how Nora is developing as a writer (quite nicely in my opinion). The story is about 3 boys who happen to be born on the same day and on their 10th birthday they climb up to the Pagan's Stone and happen to decide to become blood brothers, this unfortunately unleashes a demon into the world that terrorises their town every seven years, causing havoc, destruction and truly horrific consequences. Good thing these boys are now bullet proof. Well that's the story, it involves some girls as well and all 6 of them have to battle the demon together.

Not for the young or faint of heart, this is a fantastic trilogy.

and now I'm done! Reading R.J. Ellory's A Quiet Belief in Angels now, so never fear a proper review will soon be here!

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