The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

This breath-taking novel is set in Alaska in the deep winter. An old woman and an old man were unable to have any children, but dreamt of being parents. One day they are frolicking in the snow (recapturing their love of one another and their joy of life, despite their difficult circumstances) and they build a snow girl, complete with mittens, scarf and a beautifully carved face. The next morning their snow girl is destroyed, but a mysterious child begins to visit their cabin. Their life becomes a fairy-tale and it is one so familiar to make this novel an absolute enchanting read.

Beautifully written, this novel has had high praise from many broadsheets and novelists alike, it is full of stunning descriptions of the snow, winter in a desolate place and the incredible feat of finding something that is all yours. The characters were interesting, drawing you further into their thoughts and histories as you turn each page. Love is a major theme that is spun out throughout the novel, love between husband and wife, love conquering old wounds and love for a child. There is also kindness, friendship and adventure. I was entranced by this novel, reading it on the tube, pressed against sweating passengers in flickering light, my eyes were stuck to the page. I yearned for the solitude and grace living in a homestead in Alaska would bring, while gleefully turning the pages.

This novel is bewitching, it has woven a spell that is still unbroken, I feel the need to reach for this novel even after devouring it in 3 days, as it is a stunning debut worthy of all the attention and definitely worth buying from a lovely independent bookstore or borrowing from a library near you.

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