Size 12 and Ready to Rock by Meg Cabot

The brand new, hilarious and wonderful Heather Wells' mystery Size 12 and Ready to Rock! I was so excited to read it, but I had to start right from the beginning with Size 12 is not Fat, Size 14 is not Fat Either and Size Doesn't Matter (which is my favourite one!). It was a fantastic week and a bit, especially when I was able to finish one book and go straight to the next. No need to wait and agonise over Cooper (the hunkiest private investigator I have ever read about!) and Heather...did they get together? will they won't they? Etc.

Finally... Size 12 and Ready to Rock had arrived (in the post because it is not yet available in the UK - trust me, I rang publishers!!) and I was too excited! I got right to reading, seamlessly moving from Size Doesn't Matter, because Meg Cabot picked right up from where she left off... Oh okay, there was a gap of a few days, weeks, months maybe, but not the years I had to wait just to read this book! So...

Heather Wells is still at Death Dorm sorry, I mean Fisher Hall residence hall for the summer. Or at least she is working for the summer while the residence hall is closed for redecoration and painting. Hiring on some of her favourite students, or 'misfit toys' as Cooper calls them, she is pretty much enjoying her summer. Well, aside from Sarah's wild mood swings (which aren't anything new, but must get on the nerves eventually!). The best bit is that Heather is pretty much in charge now, since the death of her last boss (poor Oscar) the college has been frantically searching for a new director, but it turns out no one really wants to be the director of 'Death Dorm', so Heather is able to call all the shots! Which is a good thing, because she is awesome! But all good things must come to an end and Heather finds herself across town (okay like 10 blocks away - but they are really long blocks) when her new boss finally does show up: a perky cheerleader-type who already has Sarah's disapproval.

Then Tania Trace (Heather's arch-nemesis) becomes a target. Someone is trying to kill her and Cartwright of Cartwright Records hires his own son (black-sheep, Cooper) to be her bodyguard, apparently he is the only one Tania can trust. Of course all of this would be fine, but Tania has also decided to stick to Heather too and ends up moving her 'reality' show Tania Trace Rock Camp from it's palatial hotel venue to 'Death Dorm'. Who wouldn't love their summer to be crashed by a bunch of overly-competitive children and mums? Um, Heather Wells that's who!

It's like Toddlers In Tiaras and Murder She Wrote and The Golden Girls and so many other things all rolled into one. This is one amazing book people! It had me at 'Hello'! No seriously, the cover is so fantastic and the story is brilliant, I was completely hooked! Tania finally becomes a real character and you get to resolve all of those pent up issues you have against her, for treating Heather the way she did. Cooper comes a bit more to the forefront and Heather, as always, is a bad ass.

After this book everything pales in comparison. I shall have to hang on and wait for the next instalment...which isn't due out until 2013!!! How can I wait? How?

All I can say is read this book! READ IT! You will not regret it.

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