Size Doesn't Matter by Meg Cabot

As I believe I mentioned earlier, this was my favourite Heather Wells Mystery novel. It has the genius character's of Tad Tocco and Muffy Fowler (yep that is her name!). Also, one of the most disturbing murder mysteries yet.

It has the best start too...
Heather goes jogging - yep, you read it correctly, JOGGING! This is all Tad Tocco's idea, he thinks Heather should get a little more toned up, not that she is fat or anything! Well, Heather gets up at 6am (why would anyone do that out of choice?), goes to the park and runs around for about 1 minute. But then (wisely) she decides to save herself and her uterus (from jiggling free) and stops jogging. I mean, who would want to go jogging - Heather doesn't even like to shower, why stand up when you can sit down and bathe?
A question I am constantly mulling over...

So, once Heather has managed to walk around the park (Tad ran off easily in tiny shorts) and convinced Tad that really he wants to go get waffles for breakfast she is feeling pretty good about things. That is until she is rudely awoken by a fresh dead body at Death Dorm. But who would murder Heather's new boss, Owen? It's not like he was a saint, but he doesn't deserve to be shot in the head through an open window over his morning coffee. I mean no one should have to go like that!
Top it all off with a cute new boyfriend (Tad - her remedial maths assistant professor) and a little romance buzzing around the dorm (I mean residence hall) between two rather wonderful (and much loved) characters. This is actually one of the most romantic novels in this series. Everyone gets a glimpse at happiness, but I can hear you all saying: 'What about Cooper?!'

Well my friends, he isn't far away and hey, he needs to see that someone else might WANT to be Heather's rebound. Hilarious storyline coupled with a terrifying murder, especially if it wasn't caused by a stray bullet. Plus, lots of lovely family bonding going on between Heather and her dad. It really is an incredible read!

Now, onto the brand new and very shiny Size 12 and Ready to Rock...!

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