You Had Me At Merlot by Lisa Dickenson

You Had Me At Merlot is a book told in 4 parts, this post is going to cover all parts of the story, but hopefully without any spoilers. I did consider doing one post for every part, then realised if I did it would tell everyone the whole story and this book is too good for that!

So we start with Elle, brilliant Elle who loves to dance around her flat in high heels to Beyonce. She may be single, but she doesn't care. Elle isn't looking for a boyfriend, she actually loves her life as it is - but she might just be a little bit of a workaholic... So when her best friend Laurie begs her to come on a singles holiday to a vineyard in Tuscany she wants to refuse...but when your best friend asks you to do something you agree! It's kind of the rule...

Laurie and Elle are heading for the holiday of a lifetime, but will Laurie find love under the Tuscan sun? And will Elle really learn to relax and enjoy this little sip of paradise? Who knows maybe both girls will even find love...

You Had Me At Merlot had me absolutely spellbound. I bought the first section just to see what it was like. I wasn't sure if it being put into parts would be annoying or not...but this book surprised me and completely changed my mind. I ended up unable to stop reading, almost crying from laughter when I had to get the next parts, desperate to download them faster than ever.

Under the summer sun of London I absolutely revelled in Lisa Dickenson's world and fell completely in love with Elle and Laurie. Elle is just the kind of girl you can't help liking. She is kind, thoughtful and above all else relatable! She spends all her time focusing on work, hoping she will get noticed because of her long hours in the office, her loyalty and above all her lack of a real social life... So getting away from the stresses of real-life is just what Elle needs (even if she can't see it herself!). I have to say if someone offered me the chance to relax in Tuscany, eating warm grapes in the sun, sipping excellent wine and enjoying some absolutely perfect Italian eye candy - I would jump at the chance!

Brilliant writing, hilarious adventures and a beautiful love story! For anyone who loves modern day romances, strong independent heroines and a story that will sweep you away, look no further than Lisa Dickenson's You Had Me At Merlot. Just ensure you have access to wine, preferably red, and if at all possible some sunshine! You will be swept away in no time.

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