Code Name Cassandra by Meg Cabot

So, second in the 1-800-MISSING series from Meg Cabot and all I can say is: pretty exciting!!!! Jess has decided to work at a camp for musically gifted children for the summer, hopefully giving her time to get away from her house and the white van that has been parked across the street ever since she escaped from the FEDs in When Lightning Strikes. But where Jess goes adventure has to follow and while she is supposed to be keeping her abilities on the low-down it doesn't mean she can resist helping a father in need. Especially, if she can enlist the help of Rob Wilkes, who is now a graduate and working at his uncle's garage...maybe she will even convince him that she really isn't too young for him after all?

I love Jess as a character, she is fun and feisty with plenty of fight in her. She won't take anything lying down and isn't afraid to throw a few punches when necessary. I really like how Cabot manages to flip between a rather scary storyline and a potential romance (okay, massive crush that might not be returned...).

While this might not be as good a story as When Lightning Strikes, it does keep the series moving in a good direction and just wait until you start book 3 - what a terrific and rather terrifying plot that one is! Meg Cabot really knows how to toe the line between murder/crime and comedy. I was laughing along with Jess even while terrified for her and that is a talent not to be smirked at! Now go buy the book, (I would recommend getting as many as possible ASAP as these are page turners) and get acquainted with Jess Mastriani, the coolest psychic around!

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