Without a Trace by Nora Roberts

Okay, okay, this is the first cover I don't like, but hey-ho, here it is for you to make your own opinion. Trace O'Hurley has always been a bit of an enigma, throughout this series everyone is talking about him and yet you have to wait to the last book, just to meet him! Well he does not disappoint...

Trace left his travelling performing family to see the world, but not on good terms. His father was so hurt by his son's rejection of the family's lifestyle that they both said things they would live to regret. Now Trace is considering retiring from his job as an ISS agent (I know secret agents!!!) when Gillian Fitzpatrick tracks him down in a dingy bar.

She needs his help, her brother and his little girl have been captured by a terrorist ring who Trace knows are led by a mentally unstable man, who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. But, Trace wants to retire, he doesn't want to get shot again or go undercover! For the first time in a long time he wants to go home, to America, to his family...if they'll have him.

Gillian was a character i could really get behind! Strong, loyal and, of course, beautiful she is a woman who you almost want to be best friends with. Her heart really helps soften up the story, as Trace often comes across (when he is speaking to her) as a bit of a jerk, but inside we all know he is actually really sweet and cares for her a lot. Anyway, this is the last O'Hurley story and it is high-octane stuff! The best bit is all the amazing places they travel to and Nora's descriptions of Trace's life as a secret agent.

Final opinion on the O'Hurley's series: As much as I would love to say it was incredible, I can't. It is a decent series from a top-notch writer, but all in all I prefer some of her others. But give it a go if you like Nora, each book had it's own gem of a character and as always there is the classic touch of Nora! Nothing she does is every not worth reading and when you are waiting for a new series to come out, it's great to delve back into her backlist. Perfect for duvet days!

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