Size 12 is not Fat by Meg Cabot

And so it begins...

Heather Wells, teen pop sensation, is now in her late twenties, no longer engaged to Easy Street dreamboat (yep it's a boyband - like The Backstreet Boys) Jordan Cartwright and dropped from her label (Jordan's dad's label to be exact). She has, also, put on a few pounds - but, she is NOT fat. Size 12 is the average size of a woman in America, so how can that be fat?

Heather has just started her job as assistant dorm (I mean, residence hall) director at Fisher Hall ( a residence hall for New York College). Handily it is only a short walk from her new digs, the top floor apartment of Cooper Cartwright's (you got that right - Jordan's older brother) brownstone. Thankfully she can stay there for free (so long as she does all of Cooper's accounting) and it doesn't hurt that she is completely head over heels in love with him and might catch a glimpse of Cooper in a towel (and nothing else)!

Heather is trying really hard at work and enjoys working with the very stylish (and rather size-ist) Rachel, who is the new director of Fisher Hall. Heather actually enjoys her job, that is until girls start being found at the bottom of the elevator shaft after "evaluator surfing". But Heather knows that a girl who likes Ziggy (a cartoon character) is not the type of girl who would go "elevator surfing" and she begins to investigate on her own. Oh, with Cooper's help every once in a while, what with him being a private investigator he is actually quite useful. If only he would confess his undying love for her, Heather would be completely happy... of course after they catch the killer!

I absolutely love this series, I have read it over and over again, because it is still fresh, funny and at points pretty terrifying. The perfect combination for a girl like me! I gasped, laughed and basically inhaled this book. Also, Meg Cabot is a lady after my own heart, she makes a reference to Rory Gilmore (from The Gilmore Girls TV show)!!

Size 12 is not Fat is a terrific read and I just cannot wait to get my teeth into the new book! Just two more to go and Size 14 is not Fat Either has already had me in stitches.

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